I did a lot of things:
- Saw Wicked, the musical
- Did a fan video to the Mika song "Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)"
- Did a dance show
- Went to a Mika concert (first time on my own), was on stage with him, met him for the first time and got my first autograph.
- Went on holiday to Egypt
- Saw my first ever idol on stage for the first time - Britney Spears (Yeah, I see some of you rolling your eyes!)
- Went to the Pub with Mika/Saw him at Popstarz/Received Free IceCream from him/saw him on the Paul O'Grady Show/Got to see him in concert for FREE/saw him on Jools Holland and was also on TV!
- Saw Jimmy Carr live
- Saw Mika at The Union Chapel
- Met some of the cast from Harry Potter
- Was in the audience for The Graham Norton Show
- Improved my Art
...I think that's it. I have done so much and I regret nothing this year. Nothing at all. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Not a sausage. (I don't regret anyway, everything happens for a reason in my opinion, but for me the good reeeaaaally outweighed the bad...and there were bad moments, don't get me wrong. The year didn't exactly start off greatly.)
But anyway, I digress. 2009 made me realise that I need to start standing on my own two feet, to think for myself and to start living for myself.
For 2010, I hope to have another job (one that actually pays well) and to do some work experience in magazines. I'd love to just go to events and write about them.
Life's about making stories, you know? I want to make something of my life, and I want stories to tell my children and my grand-children, and just people in general. I want people to know me, smile and say "You know what? She didn't care what people thought about her. She did what she wanted with no regrets and without looking back. She was her own person, she was strong and she knew what she wanted. She went places, saw things and did things that not many people can say they have done. She loved doing what she did and I admire her for that. I really respect her."
(I think if someone actually said that to me, I might just die.)
My eldest sister is a professional dancer, and because of her job it has led her to travel the world: America, China, Dubai, India, Baltics, Caribbean, Mediterranean, you name it. I admire, respect and look up to her so much. Ever since she was little she knew what she wanted and look what she's achieved! She isn't even 30 yet. Nothing ever stopped her, and she's always full of interesting stories! (How many people can say they've performed on the same stage Hitler gave his speeches in Poland? ...Exactly.)
That's what I want (Not to perform on the same stage as Hitler, that might be a tad creepy for me) but to just...do something. And travel.
This is why I love taking photos and making videos...they're my memories, and memories are precious to me.
I'll be celebrating New Years in London watching the Fireworks, plus I'll be going to The Bafta's next year. PLUS more Mika concerts! Who knows what 2010 has in store? Hopefully it can only get better...2009 is a hard year to top!
Happy New Year readers...what are your resolutions?
WICKED March 09
Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) Fan Video March 09
Dance Show April 09
My sister and I at the O2, about to watch Britney Spears June 09
Very flattering picture of Mika and I on stage together, Sadler's Wells June 09
Meeting Mika for the first time: Sadler's Wells June 09
Egypt, July 09
Lady Jane, Autumn 09
At the Pub with Mika, Sept 09
Receiving free icecream from Mika, 21st Sept 09
On the Jools Holland show, Sept 09. (And Mika smiling at us)
Little Noise Session, Union Chapel, November 18 2009
Outside the TV studio, waiting for Graham Norton 2009(Ant and Dec hands)
Meeting some of the Harry Potter Cast 09
Your 2009 has been action packed and good times mixed with frustration. I hope 2010 gives you more memories, and that you achieve some of your goals.
Just keep sharing them!!!
Love Wendy xox
Thank you so much Wendi! And thank you for always taking an interest.
Hope you have a very happy and successful 2010 yourself :-) x
Howdy. I'm glad 2009 was so great for you especially considering what place you were in at the beginning. I must admit that 2009 overall seems to have been rather good for most i know including yours truly. I hope 2010 is just as good and action packed in all the right ways for you. I know that i plan to attack 2010 in a different way to previous years. Only time will tell if i actually do it this time
Thank you Sean, hope 2010 is a good one for you!
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